Samuel Cunard


Samuel Cunard was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia (now part of Canada) on 21 November, 1787. His business and entrepreneurial skills were evident early in his life, when at the age of 17, he bought and managed a General Store in Halifax. He grew to become a prominent figure in Halifax, joining his father’s business and expanding it.

During the War of 1812 (fought between the British Empire and the United States of America), Samuel Cunard volunteered on the side of the British, and rose to the rank of Captain. Following the war, he developed a reputation of being an excellent strategist and a fair-minded man.

By the 1830s, Samuel Cunard was concentrating on shipping, particularly the fledgeling steam-ship industry. To this end he was involved in pioneering steam services utilising steam powered ferries on Canada’s east coast, while also operating a pioneering ocean liner voyage aboard Royal William.

When the British Government called for tenders for a steam powered Royal Mail postal service, Samuel Cunard saw an opportunity. He worked alongside George and James Burns, Charles and David MacIver and shipbuilder Robert Napier to develop a shipping line, and placed a bid for the transatlantic service.

The group won this bid and formed the ‘British and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company.’ Samuel Cunard was the face of the business, and his public persona meant the line quickly became known as ‘Mr. Cunard’s Line’, and later Cunard Line.

Samuel Cunard’s entrepreneurial spirit meant he saw the potential to carry passengers on the mail service, and as such he included a small compliment of passengers on each voyage. While Cunard Line’s first crossing was undertaken by Unicorn in May 1840, their first purpose-built steamship, Britannia, sailed on her maiden voyage on 4 July 1840.

The Cunard service was a success, and despite the challenges of forming a steamship service in those early years, the early pioneers created the foundations of what became a world-leading transatlantic shipping company.

Samuel Cunard held a strong belief in safety over speed. He instructed his Captains that they were to operate their ship’s safely, at all times.

“Ship, passengers and mail, bring them safely over, and safely back” – Samuel Cunard

This principle would form the basis for Cunard Line’s excellent safety record.

In 1859 Samuel Cunard was created a Baronet by HM. Queen Victoria, in honour of his outstanding contribution to the British shipping industry. Samuel Cunard died in Kensington at the age of 77, leaving control of the Cunard Steamship Company to his son, Edward Cunard.

Image Sir Samuel Cunard, CC.0: Wikimedia Commons