Welcome Aboard

Here you can explore over 184 years of Cunard history. Find out what makes the current Cunard Queens, Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Anne such special ships among the 300+ other cruise ships out there today. This website features historical profiles, photographs and videos aimed to teach you more about the historic Cunard Line, as well as the great Ocean Liners of days gone by. Some of my favourite historic ships featured here include RMS Queen Mary, RMS Queen Elizabeth and QE2, but the site also features many amazing liners such as Britannia, Etruria, Campania, Lusitania, Mauretania & Aquitania to name just a few.

Cunard History Book

180 Years of Cunard

Celebrate 180 Years of Cunard with our updated Cunard history book! Learn more »

The Evolution of the Passenger Ship - New History Book

The Passenger Ship (New)

We are thrilled to launch our 17th book, The Evolution of the Passenger Ship! This beautifully illustrated book is out now, and you can own it today! Learn more »

I only fly to get to the ship t-shirt

Flying to Cruise?

Get a great look for your next cruise with our new line of ethical cruise clothing. Learn more »

Come Aboard Queen Anne

I was aboard Queen Anne’s maiden voyage as the inaugural maritime history speaker. Learn more »

Maritime History Lectures

One of the greatest thrills of my career is presenting maritime lectures and talks in front of an audience. If you’re interested in hosting one of my lectures, click here to Learn more »

Did You Know?

Cunard once ran a number of luxury hotels, including the Watergate Hotel, Stafford and The Ritz London! To learn how this came about, check out my latest video »